「から傘」 ねんど人形作品紹介 ”Karakasa” My clay doll works

“Karakasa” The Japanese Folktale YOKAI with clay dolls made by Kazumi Watanabe.

Karakasa Obake(Ghost) – also called Karakasa Kozou(Boy).

One of the old Japanese tools turned into a Yokai.

・・They are called “Tsukemo-gami.

Karagasa is a very popular Yokai in Japan.

Japan is filled with Yokai.
人形制作 2014年
Puppet production in 2014.
<My motivation for making dolls (Reposted until the war is over.)>
When I first started making dolls (in 2008), I wanted to give shape to the folktale tradition that has been handed down in Japan in my own way.
It may be an exaggeration, but even if the land we live on now takes a different shape in the distant future, I want to leave behind in a way that I can, the “stories” of our ancestors that once existed on that land.
After experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake, I started making Japanese mythology dolls a few days later, and began to think that the act of making dolls could be a form of “memorial service.
In this day and age, I was a little hesitant to send out carefree content like my doll videos, but we live in a world where fears of a change in the state of Japan do not sound like a joke.
So I thought again that I will continue my activities to tell Japanese folktales in the way I can, just as I have been doing so far. (2022.02.26)